Five ways to jump-start the renewable energy transition now

Four key climate change indicators – greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise, ocean heat and ocean acidification – set new records in 2021. This is yet another clear sign that human activities are causing planetary-scale changes on land, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere, with dramatic and long-lasting ramifications.

The key to tackling this crisis is to end our reliance on energy generated from fossil fuels – the main cause of climate change.

“The good news is that the lifeline is right in front of us,” says UN Secretary-General António Guterres, stressing that renewable energy technologies like wind and solar already exist today, and in most cases, are cheaper than coal and other fossil fuels.  We now need to put them to work, urgently, at scale and speed.

The Secretary-General outlines five critical actions the world needs to prioritize now to transform our energy systems and speed up the shift to renewable energy – “because without renewables, there can be no future.”


Make renewable energy technology a global public good

For renewable energy technology to be a global public good – meaning available to all, and not just to the wealthy – it will be essential to remove roadblocks to knowledge sharing and technological transfer, including intellectual property rights barriers.

Essential technologies such as battery storage systems allow energy from renewables, like solar and wind, to be stored and released when people, communities and businesses need power. They help to increase energy system flexibility due to their unique capability to quickly absorb, hold and re-inject electricity, says the International Renewable Energy Agency.

Moreover, when paired with renewable generators, battery storage technologies can provide reliable and cheaper electricity in isolated grids and to off-grid communities in remote locations.


Improve global access to components and raw materials

A robust supply of renewable energy components and raw materials is essential. More widespread access to all the key components and materials – from the minerals needed to produce wind turbines and electricity networks, to electric vehicles – will be key.

It will take significant international coordination to expand and diversify manufacturing capacity globally. Moreover, greater investments are needed to ensure a just transition – including in people’s skills training, research and innovation, and incentives to build supply chains through sustainable practices that protect ecosystems and cultures.


Level the playing field for renewable energy technologies

While global cooperation and coordination is critical, domestic policy frameworks must urgently be reformed to streamline and fast-track renewable energy projects and catalyze private sector investments.

Technology, capacity and funds for renewable energy transition exist, but there needs to be policies and processes in place to reduce market risk and enable and incentivize investments – including through streamlining the planning, permitting and regulatory processes, and preventing bottlenecks and red tape. This could include allocating space to enable large-scale build-outs in special Renewable Energy Zones.

Nationally Determined Contributions, countries’ individual climate action plans to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts, must set 1.5C aligned renewable energy targets – and the share of renewables in global electricity generation must increase from today’s 29 percent to 60 percent by 2030.

Clear and robust policies, transparent processes, public support and the availability of modern energy transmission systems are key to accelerating the uptake of wind and solar energy technologies.


Shift energy subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable energy

Fossil-fuel subsidies are one of the biggest financial barriers hampering the world’s shift to renewable energy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says that about $5.9 trillion was spent on subsidizing the fossil fuel industry in 2020 alone, including through explicit subsidies, tax breaks, and health and environmental damages that were not priced into the cost of fossil fuels. That’s roughly $11 billion a day.

Fossil fuel subsidies are both inefficient and inequitable. Across developing countries, about half of the public resources spent to support fossil fuel consumption benefits the richest 20 percent of the population, according to the IMF.

Shifting subsidies from fossil fuels to renewable energy not only cuts emissions, it also contributes to the sustainable economic growth, job creation, better public health and more equality, particularly for the poor and most vulnerable communities around the world.


Triple investments in renewables

At least $4 trillion a year needs to be invested in renewable energy until 2030 – including investments in technology and infrastructure – to allow us to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Not nearly as high as yearly fossil fuel subsidies, this investment will pay off. The reduction of pollution and climate impact alone could save the world up to $4.2 trillion per year by 2030.

The funding is there – what is needed is commitment and accountability, particularly from the global financial systems, including multilateral development banks and other public and private financial institutions, that must align their lending portfolios towards accelerating the renewable energy transition.

In the Secretary-General’s words, “renewables are the only path to real energy security, stable power prices and sustainable employment opportunities.”

How to Save Energy at Home?

1. Turning off the lights when leaving a room

A basic habit to develop and foster is to make sure that you always turn off the lights when leaving a room. Make a reminder to do so until you get into a habit of doing so subconsciously. You can save a good chunk of your monthly electricity costs by doing something as simple as this regularly.

2. Use LED lights

Many homes are moving towards smart LED lights as they not only look stylish and affordable but are also way more efficient than halogen bulbs.

3. Switching to efficient appliances

Dryers and refrigerators are two of the most energy-intensive appliances in a home and replacing these with better efficient models can cut the electricity usage by half, thereby reducing your electricity bills. Installing an air source heat pump in the UK is another idea to reduce electricity consumption. In general, maintaining and replacing appliances every few years will make them have less burden on your electricity usage. You only need to consider the heat pump costs.

4. Unplug devices

Needless to say how important it is to unplug devices when not in use. Do not leave devices on standby but rather unplug them and save your electricity bill, and the planet.

5. Lessen water usage

Some easy fixes to reduce your water consumption could be taking quick showers, using just the required amount of water while cooking and turning off running taps when unused even for seconds.

6. Keep the thermostat at a lower temperature

Aim to keep your thermostat at a lower temperature around 17 degrees, this can make a big difference and save your energy costs. Using a programmable smart thermostat is even better.

7. Use smart automated devices

Smart automated devices can lower your energy bills even when you forget to. Smart automation systems will detect when you’re no longer using a device and turn off the power supply.

8. Use double glazing door

Double glazing doors and windows are a perfect solution for a modern home as they can significantly reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from heating and cooling thereby reducing your carbon footprint and also lowering your energy bills.

9. Cook with the lid on

This is a super simple hack in everyday life to save energy consumption, by cooking with the lid you are making sure to lessen the cooking time and water usage significantly.

10. Using smart meter

A smart meter is a great way to see how much power you’re consuming, this will help you keep a track of your consumption in real-time, and where you can reduce it.

11. Washing at low temp

Wash clothes at a cooler temperature and with a full load, you will be saving a lot of water and electricity.

12. Solar-powered devices

These days you can find a solar-powered version of almost any electronic you use in your home. Making small shifts and using more solar-powered electronics can go a long way and can also lower your maintenance and replacement costs of such electronics.

Top Alternative Sources of Energy for Homes

Solar Panels

Solar panels top the list of the most popular alternative sources of energy that can be used in a home. Considering that you can power your house with a few panels if you’re looking for a small jump in energy efficiency, solar is a good way to start moving off the grid and consuming a better source of electricity. There are many advances in solar photovoltaic technology and tax incentives to attract more homeowners.


With the world’s population increasing at an alarming rate and with the constant rise in demand for energy production, there is a growing need for a sustainable source of energy. This is where green energy comes in. Green energy refers to renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower, which are cleaner and more environmentally friendly. In this post, we’ll be discussing the importance of green energy and how you can join the movement toward a better tomorrow.



As mentioned earlier, green energy pertains to renewable energy sources that are abundant, eco-friendly, and emit less carbon dioxide than traditional fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These sources include wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass. The use of green energy is essential in mitigating the worst effects of climate change.



The extraction and burning of fossil fuels produces high levels of carbon dioxide which causes global warming, climate change, and other environmental problems. Green energy, on the other hand, produces little to no emissions and helps reduce our carbon footprint. Shifting to green energy sources can also reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, create more jobs, and save us money on our monthly bills.



The demand for renewable energy is growing rapidly, and the transition towards a green economy provides an opportunity for job creation. According to a report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), over 11 million people are employed in the renewable energy sector worldwide, and this number is expected to triple by 2030. As we continue to invest in green energy, this sector will continue to create more job opportunities across various skill levels.



The global demand for energy continues to rise, and this presents a challenge to countries that rely heavily on imported fossil fuels. Investing in green energy sources can lead to increased energy security, as countries can generate their own energy locally. This reduces their dependence on imports, which can be costly and sometimes lead to geopolitical tensions.



Adopting clean energy sources can also lead to community development. Many renewable energy projects involve collaborations between local communities and developers to build wind and solar farms, which provide an additional source of revenue for the community. This collaboration leads to the creation of jobs and infrastructure development, furthering the growth of the local economy.


Fossil fuel combustion not only contributes to climate change but also adversely impacts air and water quality. Burning coal and oil are significant emitters of pollutants that are harmful to human health and the environment. Switching to green energy sources means cleaner air and water, which in turn leads to a healthier and more sustainable future.



Green energy is not only crucial in mitigating the worst effects of climate change, but it also helps reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, creates more jobs, and lowers our monthly bills. Therefore, it’s crucial that we all do our part in promoting green energy sources such as wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass.

About The Green Energy

Energy isn’t all created equal. And as daily energy users, we all have a responsibility to understand where our energy comes from and how it affects the environment. Thankfully, we now can determine where our energy comes from and, in many situations, select where it comes from.

Let’s start with a definition of green energy solutions, and then we’ll go into its advantages and other aspects.

What Is Green Energy?

Natural sources of green energy include sunlight, rain, wind, plants, algae, tides, and geothermal heat. These energy supplies are renewable, which means they can be renewed naturally. On the other hand, fossil fuels are a limited resource that took millions of years to generate and will continue to deplete as they are used.

On the other hand, green energy makes use of easily accessible energy sources all over the globe, particularly in rural and distant locations where power is unavailable. Green energy may be used to replace fossil fuels in various applications, including electricity, water heating, household appliances, and automobile fuel.

The Benefits of Green Energy

There are several benefits of green energy investing, including lowering carbon emissions, averting additional environmental damage, and generating employment. As a result, by purchasing green energy, you contribute to the advancement of that future.

With enough solar power to power the whole world daily, there’s one problem: There’s not enough of it. Current methods are insufficiently efficient to convert enough of it into energy, and for many, it is more cost-effective to rely on other conventional sources.

Going green entails increased investment in solar, wind, and other such renewable energy projects and the development of technology that better utilizes the renewable resources available to us and makes them more cheap and accessible to everyone.

Types of Green Energy

The most common energy sources are wind, solar, and hydroelectric electricity. It is possible to generate solar and wind power on a limited scale at home or on a larger scale in an industrial setup. The following are some of the most common types:

1. Solar Power

Green energy sources such as photovoltaic cells, which turn sunlight into power, are widely used. Buildings are heated, hot water is provided, food is cooked, and light is provided using solar energy. Solar energy has become affordable enough for domestic applications like garden lighting and entire power towns on a larger scale.

2. Wind Power

Wind turbines may be propelled by airflow on the earth’s surface, with stronger winds yielding more energy. The ideal circumstances for catching the strongest winds are at high altitudes and near offshore. A network of 2.5-megawatt land-based wind turbines in rural regions with 20% of their rated capacity may provide 40 times the present global energy demand.

3. Hydropower

This sort of green energy, also referred to as hydroelectric power, generates electricity by harnessing the power of flowing water in rivers, dams, streams, and other bodies of water. Hydropower may be generated on a small scale, for example, by the flow of water via pipes in the house, or it can be generated by absorption, rainfall, or even the tides in the seas.

4. Geothermal Energy

Earth’s crust contains vast quantities of thermal energy that stem from both the planet’s genesis and radioactive decay. Humans have utilized geothermal energy in the form of hot streams for thousands of years to heat water for bathing. Now geothermal energy in hydroelectric dams is being used to create electricity.

5. Biomass Energy

This renewable resource must be managed appropriately to qualify as a “green energy” source. Waste biomass such as wood chips or sawdust may be used to create electricity and organic agricultural waste. While these materials release greenhouse emissions, they are substantially lower than those generated by petroleum-based fuels.

6. Biogas Energy

It is possible that biogas if it exists, is both a renewable energy source and a method of converting waste into energy. Organic matter decomposes to produce biogas, which may be found in sewage, food waste, and manure from farms. Without oxygen in the containers, these compounds ferment and create gases like methane and carbon dioxide.

What Is the Importance of Green Energy?

To power our houses in the past, we relied on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and kerosene. On the other hand, these fuels are non-renewable and harm our environment and climate. Consequently, these resources will eventually run out, causing shortages and scarcity.

But what’s worse is the environmental harm they cause—the usage of traditional energy sources contributes to global warming. Poisonous gases are released into the atmosphere by coal and oil, damaging general health, causing respiratory difficulties, and decreasing life spans.

Oil and coal extraction alone may devastate an area’s ecology, economy, and lives by causing massive oil spills. There are several advantages of green energy, such as it may help us alleviate and even avoid some of these problems.

Is Green Energy Becoming More Accessible?

The global conversation about climate change has intensified over the past few years, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable energy sources. The concept of green energy is not new, but recent advancements in technology and changes in policy have made renewable energy sources increasingly accessible. But just how attainable is green energy for the average person or business, and what does the landscape look like for the future of renewable energy?

Democratising Green Energy

Traditionally, one of the primary barriers to the widespread adoption of green energy was cost. However, with technological advancements, economies of scale, and increased market competition, prices have significantly decreased, making renewable energy solutions more financially accessible to the masses. Solar panels, once a costly investment, have seen a dramatic reduction in price. Similarly, wind energy has become cheaper, allowing for wider implementation on both community and industrial scales. These trends are making renewable energy a more viable option for a growing number of people and businesses around the world.

Government Policies and Initiatives

The accessibility of green energy is also being propelled by supportive government policies. Many governments worldwide are offering incentives such as tax breaks, rebates, and grants for renewable energy installation. These policies not only make green energy more financially feasible for consumers and businesses but also stimulate growth and innovation within the renewable energy sector. Furthermore, international agreements and climate goals are pressuring countries to reduce their carbon footprints, accelerating the adoption of renewables on a national scale.

Community Energy Projects

Green energy accessibility is also manifesting through community-based projects. These initiatives are particularly impactful in remote or underprivileged areas that may not have immediate access to national grids or green energy solutions. Communities are coming together to create shared solar or wind farms, distributing the generated energy amongst themselves. This grassroots approach is not only making green energy accessible but is also fostering social cohesion and local empowerment.

The Role of Big Corporations

Large corporations are also playing a role in the green energy shift. Recognising the environmental concerns of consumers and the potential for cost-saving in the long run, companies across various sectors are investing in renewable energy solutions. Whether through direct investment in renewable energy sources for their operations or through the purchase of green energy credits, these corporations are contributing to a broader cultural shift towards sustainability.

Future of Green Energy

Looking ahead, the future of green energy appears promising. Technological innovation continues to surge, with research into more efficient solar cells, more effective wind turbines, and potential new sources of renewable energy like tidal or geothermal power. Battery storage technology is also advancing, making it easier to store energy generated by renewable sources, thereby addressing the intermittency issue often associated with solar and wind power. As the grid adapts to handle these new energy forms and microgrid solutions develop, renewable energy will become even more integrated into our daily lives.

The Challenge of the Transition

Despite the positive trends, challenges remain in the transition to green energy. Infrastructure needs to adapt, and continued investment in research and development is critical. Additionally, while prices have decreased, initial installation costs can still be a barrier for many individuals and small businesses. Education around green energy options and more widespread government support can help overcome these hurdles.

Bridging the Accessibility Gap

While the narrative around green energy is generally optimistic, the challenge lies in bridging the accessibility gap to ensure equitable distribution of renewable resources. The transition to green energy is not just a technological or economic shift, but also a social one, requiring systemic changes that address disparities in access.

Economic Implications and Job Creation

One of the broader benefits of green energy becoming more accessible is its potential for economic stimulation through job creation. As the renewable sector grows, so does the demand for skilled labour. Jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and innovation in renewable technologies not only contribute to economic growth but also support community development. Moreover, vocational training programs and educational initiatives are arising to prepare workers for these new opportunities, making the green energy sector an increasingly important player in the global economy.

Energy Independence and Security

Green energy’s increased accessibility is also contributing to energy independence and security for nations. By harnessing domestic sources of renewable energy, countries can reduce their reliance on imported fossil fuels, which often come with volatile prices and geopolitical strings attached. Energy independence not only strengthens national security but also stabilizes local economies by keeping energy expenditures within national borders.

Sustainable Urban Development

In the context of urban development, the accessibility of green energy is paving the way for smart cities. Urban areas are integrating sustainable practices by adopting green energy solutions in public transportation, infrastructure, and public services. Initiatives like electrifying public transport, incorporating solar panels on buildings, and implementing smart grids are becoming more prevalent, indicating a trend toward environmentally friendly urban planning.

Barriers to Overcome

Despite the significant headway, there remain obstacles to green energy’s widespread accessibility. The modernization of infrastructure is a significant investment that many regions still need to undertake. Integrating renewable energy sources into existing power grids requires substantial changes and the adaptation of smart technologies to manage the variability and distribution of power.

Education and Awareness

Another critical component is education and public awareness. Misconceptions about the reliability and efficiency of green energy can hinder adoption. Educational campaigns and transparent communication about the benefits and practicalities of renewable energy are necessary to shift public perception and encourage the adoption of green technologies at a grassroots level.

Financing Green Transitions

Financing remains a significant barrier for both consumers and businesses interested in transitioning to green energy. While costs have decreased, the upfront investment is still substantial for many. Innovative financing solutions such as green bonds, renewable energy funds, and power purchase agreements (PPAs) can play a role in overcoming these economic barriers.

The Road Ahead

The road ahead for green energy is one of cautious optimism. As accessibility improves, we can anticipate not only a reduction in carbon emissions but also a profound shift in the way societies operate and interact with the environment. It is a multifaceted transition that encompasses economic, social, and technological transformations.

Global Partnerships and Cooperation

Finally, international cooperation and partnerships are crucial in promoting the accessibility of green energy. Shared technologies, research, and policies can help level the playing field, especially for developing nations that might lack the resources to invest in green energy infrastructure. Global climate funds and international collaborative projects are critical in fostering a more sustainable and equitable world.

While the journey toward universal green energy accessibility is complex and filled with challenges, the combined efforts of governments, communities, corporations, and individuals are contributing to a future that values sustainability and collective well-being. As we progress, the narrative will likely evolve from questioning the accessibility of green energy to innovating and refining its integration into every facet of modern life.

Importance of making the Switch to Green Energy

Our planet has an abundance of resources but we are guilty of using them unsustainably. We exist in a world that largely relies on fossil fuels to power homes and industries. With each passing year, we are consuming more of these finite energy sources to meet practically infinite power needs. With air pollution and climate change making headlines every day, the consequences are hard to ignore.
However, governments, corporations, institutions, and even individuals are waking up to the need for making sustainable choices. Using clean, renewable energy sources like solar energy is a major step in this direction. India, too, is optimistic about shaping a new green economy, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2070.


What is Green Energy?


Green energy comes from resources that are present in nature abundantly with no expiration date. As they replenish on their own through natural cycles, they are abundant. They also don’t pollute the environment when used. Renewable sources are clean energy forms as they release little to no greenhouse gases when harnessed. These are sunlight, wind, tides, rain, biomass, waves and geothermal energy (produced inside the earth).

Renewable resources are more viable than non-renewable energy sources as they exist in abundance and can be put to multiple uses. They are virtually inexhaustible and available nearly everywhere. However, not all renewables are green in the sense that they cause some impact on the environment. For example, biomass and hydroelectric dams are known to affect wildlife, land use, and climate.


The Importance of Green Energy 


Renewable energy sources like solar power can transform the power sector and our lives for the better. The air quality is degrading by the day, forcing us to breathe in polluted air. In cities like New Delhi, the government is seen taking desperate measures like temporarily shutting down five coal-fired power plants to tackle air pollution, deregistering all diesel vehicles older than 10 years. Serious health problems like asthma, lung cancer, heart attacks, and early death are on the rise due to breathing in polluted air.

Transitioning to a non-combustible energy system based on renewables or solar energy can drastically improve air quality by limiting greenhouse gas emissions directly into the air.

In addition to health advantages, using renewable sources like solar power is also favourable for the economy. India currently imports crude oil and LNG in large quantities. Energy obtained from renewable sources can replace fossil fuels, increase self-reliance (atmanirbharta), and bring huge savings in electricity. For the commercial and industrial sector, they can benefit by reducing their operational costs as power/energy bill contributes to most of them.

In the process, the country will also generate more job opportunities. Current trends show that energy produced from renewable sources will eventually be more in the total energy mix of our economy. It has already become more cost-competitive than the energy obtained from fossil fuels.


Advantages of Switching to Green Energy – for the economy as a whole


  • Accessible to All


Over the past decade, the cost of solar energy equipments like PV modules, inverters, etc. has declined significantly. Although it is still not the lowest-cost source of energy in India, the government is introducing new schemes to make solar technology accessible to all. As cheap electricity reaches remote, rural areas, people will get access to modern facilities, which will contribute to their overall development.


  • More Jobs and Economic Benefits


Building and maintaining renewable energy systems require material and workmanship. This expenditure also constitutes a significant part of the total solar project costs. Moreover, this investment is often spent locally in the same region where the solar power plant is established. It also requires some manpower to keep the solar power systems running with routine maintenance which is necessary for smooth functioning. The energy bills that the citizens pay stays in the same region and create jobs for them, thereby improving the local economy.


  • Stable Energy Prices


There is an element of unpredictability when it comes to fossil fuel-fired energy as we depend on imported coal for power generation plants. A sudden increase in coal and crude oil prices can result from unexpected geopolitical factors. The energy crisis unfolding as the economies recover is a recent case in point. However, renewable sources are available locally in large quantities and are less likely to be affected by any geopolitical upheaval, resulting in guaranteed savings on energy costs and availability of power for whole economy.


  • Improved Public Health


Nearly all our infrastructure, from transportation to industrial operations to power generation, aggravates the air pollution levels. The use of charcoal and fuelwood as a source of energy is still common for heating and cooking in many parts of India. All these activities take a toll on our health as we inhale harmful toxins and particles along with oxygen. As a result, governments are forced to spend more on medical facilities. To that end, switching to solar and other renewable sources of energy can really turn things around in the long run.


Advantages of Switching to Green Energy – for the Planet


  • Less Global Warming


Burning fossil fuels to generate energy releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the air. Increasing levels of CO2 in the ambient atmosphere is the main driver of global warming. CO2 or carbon emissions trap sun’s radiation that causes the rise in temperature. As air travels to other areas carrying soot particles, it also pollutes soil and water bodies and impacts the diversity of ecosystems. Most renewable energy sources cause little to no impact on the environment.


  • Inexhaustible


Conventional resources are limited in quantity and can take thousands of years or more to replenish themselves. Unsustainable use of these resources can lead to their depletion, leaving future generations with no source of energy. On the other hand, clean energy sources like the sun and wind are infinite and renewable as they adapt to natural cycles. As a result, renewable energy systems facilitate economic development for today and the generations to come.

India’s applaudable solar achievements tell us that the country is moving toward a clean and green energy economy. In just the last five years, it has emerged as the world’s fifth-largest country in terms of total installed solar power capacity. The country is home to some of the worlds’ largest solar power plants.

Barriers to Renewable Energy Technologies

Wind turbine assembly

In March 2017, wind and solar accounted for 10 percent of all US electricity generation for the first time ever. Although 10 percent may not sound high, it reflected a major achievement for both technologies, which have overcome numerous barriers to become competitive with coal, natural gas, and nuclear power.

But renewables still face major obstacles. Some are inherent with all new technologies; others are the result of a skewed regulatory framework and marketplace. This page explores the barriers to renewable energy in detail, with a focus on wind and solar.

For more on why renewable energy is so important, please see our page on the Benefits of Renewable Energy Use.

Capital costs

The most obvious and widely publicized barrier to renewable energy is cost—specifically, capital costs, or the upfront expense of building and installing solar and wind farms. Like most renewables, solar and wind are exceedingly cheap to operate—their “fuel” is free, and maintenance is minimal—so the bulk of the expense comes from building the technology.

The average cost in 2017 to install solar systems ranged from a little over $2,000 per kilowatt (kilowatts are a measure of power capacity) for large-scale systems to almost $3,700 for residential systems. A new natural gas plant might have costs around $1,000/kW. Wind comes in around $1,200 to $1,700/kw.

Higher construction costs might make financial institutions more likely to perceive renewables as risky, lending money at higher rates and making it harder for utilities or developers to justify the investment. For natural gas and other fossil fuel power plants, the cost of fuel may be passed onto the consumer, lowering the risk associated with the initial investment (though increasing the risk of erratic electric bills).

However, if costs over the lifespan of energy projects are taken into account, wind and utility-scale solar can be the least expensive energy generating sources, according to asset management company Lazard. As of 2017, the cost (before tax credits that would further drop the costs) of wind power was $30-60 per megawatt-hour (a measure of energy), and large-scale solar cost $43-53/MWh. For comparison: energy from the most efficient type of natural gas plants cost $42-78/MWh; coal power cost at least $60/MWh.

Even more encouragingly, renewable energy capital costs have fallen dramatically since the early 2000s, and will likely continue to do so. For example: between 2006 and 2016, the average value of photovoltaic modules themselves plummeted from $3.50/watt $0.72/watt—an 80 percent decrease in only 10 years.
A solar farm under construction.

Siting and transmission

Nuclear power, coal, and natural gas are all highly centralized sources of power, meaning they rely on relatively few high output power plants. Wind and solar, on the other hand, offer a decentralized model, in which smaller generating stations, spread across a large area, work together to provide power.

Decentralization offers a few key advantages (including, importantly, grid resilience), but it also presents barriers: siting and transmission.

Siting is the need to locate things like wind turbines and solar farms on pieces of land. Doing so requires negotiations, contracts, permits, and community relations, all of which can increase costs and delay or kill projects.

Transmission refers to the power lines and infrastructure needed to move electricity from where it’s generated to where it’s consumed. Because wind and solar are relative newcomers, most of what exists today was built to serve large fossil fuel and nuclear power plants.

But wind and solar farms aren’t all sited near old nuclear or fossil fuel power plants (in fact, some areas with fewer older power plants, such as the Great Plains and Southwest, offer some of the country’s best renewable potential). To adequately take advantage of these resources, new transmission infrastructure is needed—and transmission costs money, and needs to be sited. Both the financing and the siting can be significant barriers for developers and customers, even when they’re eager for more renewables—though, again, clean energy momentum is making this calculation easier.

Pie chart showing energy sources with renewables only representing 9%
Renewables face stiff competition from more established energy sources.

Market entry

For most of the last century US electricity was dominated by certain major players, including coal, nuclear, and, most recently, natural gas. Utilities across the country have invested heavily in these technologies, which are very mature and well understood, and which hold enormous market power.

This situation—the well-established nature of existing technologies—presents a formidable barrier for renewable energy. Solar, wind, and other renewable resources need to compete with wealthier industries that benefit from existing infrastructure, expertise, and policy. It’s a difficult market to enter.

New energy technologies—startups—face even larger barriers. They compete with major market players like coal and gas, and with proven, low-cost solar and wind technologies. To prove their worth, they must demonstrate scale: most investors want large quantities of energy, ideally at times when wind and solar aren’t available. That’s difficult to accomplish, and a major reason why new technologies suffer high rates of failure.

Increased government investment in clean energy—in the form of subsidies, loan assistance, and research and development—would help.

What are the benefits of using green energy?

What is Green Energy?

Green Energy is the generation of electricity from renewable sources. The current green energy sources used in the UK are:

  • Hydropower generation – Using the energy stored in fast-flowing rivers to generate electricity.
  • Solar generation – Using the energy in natural sunlight to generate electricity.
  • Wind generation – Using the energy in wind to generate electricity with turbines.
  • Nuclear energy – Using nuclear power stations to generate electricity.
  • Geothermal energy – Using the thermal energy of the earth’s crust to generate electricity or heat.
  • Tidal energy – Using the energy in the daily tidal movements of the sea to generate electricity.

The burning of natural gas for energy remains the UK’s largest source of electricity generation. Natural Gas is not a green energy source. When natural gas is burnt in power stations or in boilers, carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

Compare business gas prices, and switch to a green energy supplier.

What makes green energy “Green”?

When it comes to the supply of electricity and gas to commercial properties, many green business energy tariffs are offered in the market. What a commercial energy supplier means by green differs from one supplier to another; here are the different ways a business electricity tariff can be green:

Carbon offset natural gas – The use of natural gas in boilers to heat business properties is common and directly emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. To make this process green, a business gas supplier will offset the carbon dioxide produced by their gas supply. Offsetting is usually achieved by purchasing carbon credits earned in environmental projects.

Biomethane – Natural gas that is produced sustainably using biomass energy. In biomass energy, anaerobic digestion converts waste from farms and landfills into biomethane – a sustainable form of natural gas. The biomethane produced in this process can be purchased as part of a business gas tariff.

Local green electricity generation – Suppliers will work to install a local green energy generator at your business property, such as commercial solar panels. The electricity generated by such a system can either be directly used by your business or sold back to the grid using the smart export guarantee scheme.

National green electricity generation – Suppliers commit to purchasing electricity used by your business from national green electricity generation sites, such as wind farms.

How important is it for businesses to switch to green energy?

In order for the UK to become carbon neutral, it’s going to be necessary for homes, businesses, and the government to take steps to reduce carbon emissions.

Moving to a green energy tariff for electricity and gas is an important step businesses can take to reduce their carbon footprint. Adopting a green business energy tariff is a step often taken as part of ISO 14001 accreditation.

Another step businesses take in improving their green credentials is to analyse and improve water efficiency.

What are the benefits of using green energy?

The benefits of a business adopting green energy are:

  • Lower the carbon footprint of business operations
  • Supports the renewables sector in the UK
  • Help the UK meet its climate commitments
  • Increase business energy independence
  • Reputational enhancement
  • Slows down climate change

Green energy generation is getting cheaper each year, so you can also make savings on business electricity rates.

Exploring the Benefits of Green Energy for a Sustainable Future

Increased environmental awareness has led to a proactive shift towards renewable green energy sources that can help combat climate change, soaring energy prices, and uncertainties regarding energy security. The environmental impact of renewable energy is minimal compared to fossil fuels because they are produced by nature and emit fewer greenhouse gasses and pollutants.

For us to achieve a sustainable future, we need to explore renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal energy. The good news is that many businesses are now embracing sustainable green energy sources, and switching to renewable energy has incredible economic advantages for your business. These clear benefits may persuade your business to make the change from conventional to renewable green energy.

Top 5 Benefits of Green Energy For Your Business

Green energy refers to any power generated by harnessing natural resources, such as sunlight, wind, and water. Despite some differences, renewable and green energy are often derived from renewable resources.

Wind, solar, and hydropower are the primary sources of green energy. Our energy needs can be met with alternative energy without causing harm to the environment. Green energy can provide businesses with the following benefits.

1. Reduces Your Energy Costs

Natural gas and oil prices tend to increase, and price fluctuations are influenced by changes in fuel availability, the demand for electric power, and costs associated with the generation, distribution, and transmission.

You can reduce your monthly energy bill by switching to alternative energy sources like solar energy, and installing solar panels is a one-time purchase that requires no monthly payments. Solar panels are not the only renewable energy source that can be installed on your business property and used to power your operations. Wind turbines and other forms of renewable energy can also be installed on your property.

These green energy resources can meet your business energy needs depending on how much capacity you install. The overall cost of your energy can be reduced significantly as a result.

2. Energy Supply That’s Consistent

The adverse weather conditions caused by the climate crisis can disrupt your business’s electricity supply and the power grid. The longer an interruption lasts, the more costly it can be for businesses.

The reliability of renewable energy sources is significantly higher than fossil energy sources because they are weather-dependent. Whether a solar panel fails, for example, your business continues to run, and clouds or overcast weather will not affect its operation. With renewable energy, your business runs smoothly with fewer interruptions.

3. A Smart Investment With a High Return

Renewable energy comes with hefty upfront costs, and as business owners, you understand the ROI concept. Investing in green energy will save your business money in the long run and reduce your energy bill, which will be a return on your investment.

The energy generated by renewable energy systems can be quite profitable for many businesses. Using renewable energy can result in additional profits for businesses if unused power is sold back to the grid.

4. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Our awareness of how our actions affect the environment has increased over the past few years. Switching to renewable energy will not only reduce your company’s energy bills, but it will also significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

By using renewable energy, the business lowers its carbon footprint by reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and replacing them with zero-emission energy sources, such as wind and solar.

The use of renewable energy can contribute significantly to the government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme. Switching to renewable energy systems is the fastest and easiest way to reduce your business’s carbon footprint.

5. Reduced Air Pollution From Renewable Energy

Burning fossil fuels to generate electricity creates nitrogen oxide, a dangerous gas for the environment. This gas is capable of causing smog and possibly acid rain, as well as causing ground-level ozone, which is a harmful air pollutant due to the chemical reactions that occur.

Electricity generated by renewable energy sources does not emit nitrous oxide. This means that renewable energy prevents greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere, reduces your carbon footprint and helps reduce air pollution in cities.

The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle is important for anyone who wants to feel their best and stay healthier as they get older. However, we are presented with such a huge amount of advice every day it can be confusing to work out what is best when it comes to health, and preventative healthcare can be a baffling topic. Different messages are conveyed about wellbeing and figuring out what advice to follow can be a struggle. But living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be complicated.

We’ve compiled five key areas which are key to maintaining good health and none of them will cause much disruption to your life.

1. Eating Healthy

What is and isn’t healthy to eat is probably the most discussed topic when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, and to diet or not to diet is a big question, especially for people who want to lose weight. The media often bombards us with various new and popular diets, but most healthcare professionals will advocate for a simple, healthy, and balanced diet rather than a strict diet plan that restricts certain foods.

Ensuring your body receives all the nutrients it needs and isn’t being saturated with unhealthy, sugary foods is what you should be aiming for. Eating balanced meals three times a day and keeping hydrated will ensure your body is healthy and will improve other aspects such as your mental health, concentration and productivity.

2. The Importance of Sleep

You probably already know that when you sleep well, you feel better. Most people understand the benefits of sleeping well but can struggle to rectify poor sleep. Good sleep hygiene helps and it’s good practice to follow a bedtime routine every day. This should include going to bed and waking up at a regular time. Once you identify how many hours of sleep you personally need to feel well-rested, you can work out what time you should be asleep, to get up the next day at the right time and feel refreshed.

Other ways to promote good sleep include making sure your bedroom is comfortable in terms of heat, light and noise, and being clutter-free can help too. Stop using devices at least an hour before you go to bed and avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening. If sleeping is still a struggle, then try mindfulness before going to bed or there are several good meditation apps now on the market which have been designed to help you drift off.

3. Sedentary Lifestyle vs Physical Activity

With long working hours sat at desks and more of our free time spent on devices, as a society, we have been moving towards a more sedentary lifestyle for a while. The Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown have likely exacerbated this as gyms and leisure facilities have closed and working from home has meant even our daily commute has largely disappeared.

Being sedentary, or spending long periods of time without moving, is damaging for several reasons. It can increase the likelihood of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. A general lack of physical activity also has a similar impact on the body and it is a common misconception that engaging in physical activity alone mitigates against the impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

To be as healthy as you can be, you need to engage in both physical activities and reduce the time you spend being sedentary. Aiming to be physically active every day and engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week will help you to be healthier.

4. The Impact of Mental Health

In recent years mental health is talked about more openly, however, there can still be a certain amount of stigma attached to it. Seeking help and accessing mental health services can often be more difficult than accessing treatment for a physical health condition.

There are many ways that you can improve your own mental wellbeing, but you might need more professional help. You shouldn’t hesitate to contact the appropriate services in your area if you feel you need support with your mental health.

There are a number of basic things you can be doing to keep feeling well mentally. Simply taking some time for yourself, relaxing and practising some form of mindfulness may help. But if you are struggling, there are many resources online that can help. Stress reduction and coping strategy groups are available and free. Getting outside every day and setting small achievable goals can help you to feel more motivated and eating healthily will help you to feel better, too.

5. Be Proactive with your Good Health.

It’s really important that you are proactive when it comes to your own healthcare. Healthcare providers and medical professionals now generally recognise that people are experts in their own health. Any issues with your health should include a discussion and agreement between yourself and your medical professional about what the best course of action is, for you. Having this input not only means you feel part of your own care and treatment, but it also places a responsibility on you to be proactive.

Far too many people don’t book appointments when they feel something might be wrong with their health because they don’t want to waste anyone’s time, or they feel they should just put up with whatever they are feeling. Waiting to seek the help of a professional can lead to some people being diagnosed with illnesses or diseases at a stage where they have progressed and haven’t been caught early enough to treat effectively.

Having access to doctor’s appointments with timely diagnostics and regular health screens is great for ensuring your body is in good working order. They will help identify any changes or issues early on and are key to good clinical outcomes.